A few times throughout the year, I like to think about the goals I set for myself and consider how far I’ve come since January—or how far I’ve strayed.

What did you, your brand or your team, want to accomplish in 2023? You’re halfway to 2024, so now is a good of a time as ever to evaluate it. If you’re not on track, get back there OR, make some new goals. Don’t wait until next January to say “Time to start fresh, this is my year!”.

Take a second, right now, to reset your plans for the second half of the year. That’s what we’re doing today and we hope you’ll join us.

I must be feeling nostalgic, this is month two of referencing old articles. An oldie, but goodie awaits—https://www.fastcompany.com/90202710/4-steps-to-reset-your-goals-for-the-second-half-of-the-year.

May your second half of the year be your best!