Here’s an evergreen article on summer I hope you read and digest,

The same could be true for other seasons, but this one feels particularly important. There’s a sappy, but true, saying about how you only get 18 summers with your kids before they’re off to their real lives and the same could be said for all of us. There’s only ______ summers.

So, make the most of these fleeting months, let it fuel you year-round. Do all these things and more. What are we doing to practice what we preach? I’m taking a writing course this summer, something I’ve always wanted to do and we’re working from H(ome)awaii, waking early to fit in our 7-8 hours and then enjoying the afternoons—full or beaches and hikes—when our kids are back from camp. That’s our rhythm and it works for us, I hope you find yours too and make endless memories with the ones you love.