If the term “Swiftie” hasn’t shown up in your daily life, you must not be living on planet Earth. Love her or neutral to her (no place for hate here), she’s created a persona and those who adore her turned the fandom into a buzz word.

Throughout the day, it’s nearly impossible not to hear the term “Swiftie” on news & radio, in the grocery store aisles and throughout school-age conversations. It’s a pop culture phenomenon regulated to the best of the best.

Professionally we come across buzz words too, last year the top one in our profession was “prompt”. Ironically I don’t have any memory of overusing it, but I do remember the days of office antics and business jargon that can make your ears bleed in a conference room. Thankfully phrases like “ping” and “low-hanging fruit” eventually fall out of fashion.

Here’s an article on the top 10 communications words of the year, https://www.ragan.com/the-top-10-communications-and-pr-words-of-the-year/. Any of them hit a chord with you?

For the sake of others, use words in a way that honors the work being done. Make your words count. Don’t throw out extras to make your writing, content and conversations buzzy. It’s exhausting for everyone else.

Trends eventually die, so avoid using words professionally so much that it stands out to your clients, colleagues and audiences as things they expect you to say. No one wants to be the one who’s known for “let’s circle back” in every conversation. Just for fun, this should make you laugh, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8woa_wSrmA. And, if you need some new lingo, here’s a quick video we found interesting, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYHBwdzVDj4.

Onward, Swiftie’s, just like other parasocial relationships, she’s not disappearing anytime soon.