It’s been 23 years since Gilmore Girls first aired on an early October evening, but there’s still an audience that revisits the show daily. Because of that, there’s plenty of fresh content by people all over the world too. Not just journalists, but also fans and influencers, and everyone seems to have more to say as time goes by. 

How? Why? Well, there’s still a reason to love the show for one—the characters, the setting, the styles, the plots, the dialogue and oh, the relationships. It was so well crafted and the type of TV we don’t get often enough. Frankly, it’s still relevant in so many ways. And because payphones aren’t a thing now and social media wasn’t invented then, the audience gets to dig deep into those topics too. It’s not a needle in a haystack, but it’s a phenomenon to study. 

Brands! Be like Gilmore Girls, give people something to talk about! When you create something wonderful, the story continues to be retold again and again, discussed and dissected. Sure you could create a brand that gets quick eyeballs, but as marketers who regularly promote ideas—we’d tell you to set up a unique position in your market and cultivate the right audience from the start. Before you launch, and every day after, find out who your audience is and give them what they want. 

For Gilmore Girls there are articles daily, across the internet, some might say even more than two decades after the pilot aired. In fact, here’s two great ones from top tier media outlets just in the past 24 hours. 

Rolling Stone


Media aside, people gather together in hordes to discuss the show. Earlier this month, we had the opportunity to be at The Fan Fest Society’s annual event for fans of Gilmore Girls. This year the event was held in Ogunquit, Maine as a homage to Luke’s planned fishing trip. Usually the event is in Connecticut and once it landed in Unionville, Canada where the pilot aired too. The Fan Fest Society has been a project we’ve supported since 2016 and it’s one of the rides we’ve loved the most. It serves a niche audience of fans from all over the world, making up a group of people from 23 countries and all 50 states. It’s a spectacular show of fandom for a beloved series that is very much alive today. 

It’s no mystery why some brands thrive and others die, it’s an equation. It’s a balance. It’s good communication, strong marketing and a PR presence that is intentional. But it also takes a lot of work and it doesn’t happen overnight.

If you haven’t seen the show, don’t snooze on our suggestion. You have plenty of time to watch all seven seasons before next year’s event. It’s Gilmore Girls season after all—grab your Friday night dinner (IYKYK) or a couch full of snacks, and jump on the wagon. Oy with the poodles already!